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Signing Commits


Setting up Git and getting the verified signature1 when I push commits to the repo with VS Code on Windows. TL;DR Who doesn't like the Verified tag?


Setting Up Git Identity

# Remove --global if needed
git config --global $username # Can be anything
git config --global $ # Can be found in GitHub "Settings" > "Emails"


Generating GPG Key

  1. Install Gpg4win as recommended by GitHub Docs for Windows users3
  2. Open Kleopatra (Can do it in cmd instead)
    • Click "File" > "New OpenPGP Key Pair"
    • Type in "Name" and "Email address" (Match the and
    • Check "Protect the generated key with a passphrase" is recommended
    • (Optional) Click "Advanced Settings..." for changing the expiration date

Configuring Git

git config --global user.signingkey $KeyID # Can be found in Kleopatra "Certificates" > "Key-ID"
git config --global commit.gpgsign true # For sign all commits by default
git config --global gpg.program "C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuPG\bin\gpg.exe" # Change the path if needed


Configuring GitHub

  1. Go to GitHub "Settings" > "SSH and GPG keys" > "New GPG key"5
  2. "Key" can be found in Kleopatra by double chicking the certificate > "Export"
    • It should begins with -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
  3. DONE

Transferring Settings

These files might be helpful for setting up anther machine

  • .gitconfig from %USERPROFILE%
  • gnupg from %APPDATA%


  1. About commit signature verification - GitHub Docs

  2. Git - First-Time Git Setup

  3. Signing commits - GitHub Docs

  4. Telling Git about your signing key - GitHub Docs

  5. Adding a GPG key to your GitHub account - GitHub Docs